Jack Straw, Dire Wolf, Beat It On Down The Line, Peggy-O, Mama Tried-> Mexicali Blues, Finiculi Finicula, Row Jimmy, Minglewood Blues, Loser, Lazy Lightning-> Supplication Bertha-> Good Lovin', It Must Have Been The Roses, Estimated Prophet-> Eyes Of The World-> Drums-> Truckin'-> Wharf Rat-> Around & Around, E: U.S. Blues
SBD>MR>PCM>D>CD; via Jeff Cotsman; Seeded to etree by J. Henry
Reviewer:V T2268
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September 10, 2023 Subject:
Bertha, Wharf Rat, Row Jimmy
I'm listening to a few songs over time (Pig Pen, just Billy, of course 1977 and the years around, the cocaine years of the early 80s, my era starting in Hershey, PA on June 28, 1985, and after Brent died - Jerry never got over that) - it is fun listening to the same song over and over and yet so wonderfully different. For a few nights in a row I've been finding Bertha, Row Jimmy, and Wharf Rat - have easily heard 20 versions of each. Tonight I searched shows that had all three songs - this is one of them, and they are so moving. Processing a lot of sadness and hoping this is helping to let things loosen up and flow. I'll come back to this show for those songs. Show as a whole is decent - I'm listening to the rest now. Interesting side note - I use to think the Cornell '77 show was over hyped - don't get me wrong - wonderful but over hyped. I've gone back to that show a few times since the most recent Days Between. The Row Jimmy is ... don't have the words. Also a Morning Dew - which is a song I was going over time listening to the changes. It is a really great show. Maybe a little overhyped because there are so many great shows, but it is pretty great.
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June 10, 2004 Subject:
Have to see it to believe it.....
This is a GOOD show in contrary to what others say. Just get your hands on a copy of the video from this night. The black and white video that is circulating from this evening really displays what is going behind the soundboard tapes. The Jack Straw shows Bobby and Jerry stepping back and launching at the mics in synch during the cresendo of the song. "JACK STRAW FROM WITCHITA CUT HIS BUDDY DOWN!" Row Jimmy is a classic, I'm a sucker for this tune. Jer and Donna improvise some vocal fun during the "I say Row, Jimmy Row. gonna get there I don't know, seems a common way to goooooooaahhh"! Jer adds his classic '78 vocal nuances to this tune. Good Lovin' smokes watching Jer kick his leg in the air and windmill a la Townsend style is classic. They are obviously psyched about this one. It would be nice to see a lot more shows on video. It would certainly make those shows that people consider duds really shine. This one in particular..Get the video and see for yourself
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June 7, 2004 Subject:
Great Mix
Jerry had no vocals for the first two songs, but the techs get it resolved by BIODTL. From that point on the mix is phenominal, and I think this show has the best Peggy-O and Wharf Rat I've heard.
On Jack Straw, you can't hear Garcia's vocals, and he plays tentatively. After the second round of verses, he tries to rescue himself with some trilled chords, but to little avail, despite help from the drummers. LL-Supplication is the same: the rhythm section is on all fours, but Garcia is a step behind and without his muse, showing only flickers of brillance in his chord work. These are fine examples of sub-par performances by Garcia, and if you love the band, they are hard to take. (I've heard Eyes and Around & A from set two, and they are only mildly interesting).